About Save The Nation
Save The Nation is a grass-root movement opposing the installation of industrial wind turbines on agricultural land and close to homes and opposing the process for the approval of renewable energy projects in Ontario.
Save The Nation was created in July 2015 after “public information sessions” held in St-Isidore and St-Bernardin.
Our mission is to provide our fellow citizens with information and to safeguard their interests regarding industrial wind turbines and other environmental issues.
Save The Nation was created in July 2015 after “public information sessions” held in St-Isidore and St-Bernardin.
Our mission is to provide our fellow citizens with information and to safeguard their interests regarding industrial wind turbines and other environmental issues.
Why do we oppose?
Save The Nation is not against renewable energy. It is against so-called "green" projects imposed to citizens and communities without consultation and against their will.
We strongly believe that negative impacts on the environment, human health, animal health, economics, community life and demography will by far outweigh foreseen positive impacts. Furthermore, these projects are contrary to agricultural land use.
Lawn signs are sold at $10.00 each.
We strongly believe that negative impacts on the environment, human health, animal health, economics, community life and demography will by far outweigh foreseen positive impacts. Furthermore, these projects are contrary to agricultural land use.
Lawn signs are sold at $10.00 each.
What's going on?
Here's a list of events that lead to this situation and Save The Nation's initiatives. The list is in chronological order.
2009 - Ontario Green Energy Act
Ontario adopts the 2009 Green Energy Act. The Act preamble states that "The Government of Ontario is committed to fostering the growth of renewable energy projects, which use cleaner sources of energy, and to removing barriers to and promoting opportunities for renewable energy projects and to promoting a green economy."
The Act supersedes several other provincial legislations. Municipalities are stripped of their decision-making powers regarding land use in all green energy projects.
Renewable energy multinational corporations flock to Ontario, attracted by highly favorable conditions. Companies approach landowners and deals are signed for land use.
The Act supersedes several other provincial legislations. Municipalities are stripped of their decision-making powers regarding land use in all green energy projects.
Renewable energy multinational corporations flock to Ontario, attracted by highly favorable conditions. Companies approach landowners and deals are signed for land use.
The Nation Municipality supports the projects
In 2013 and 2014, The Nation Municipality adopts three resolutions supporting industrial wind turbines projects. In May 2015, The Nation signs a community benefit fund agreement with one of the promoters. The Nation's constituents are not informed or consulted.
Dates and resolution numbers
May 13, 2013 resolution 278-2013
January 20, 2014 resolution 23-2014
Septembre 15, 2015 resolution 525-2014
May 25, 2015 resolution 315-2015
Dates and resolution numbers
May 13, 2013 resolution 278-2013
January 20, 2014 resolution 23-2014
Septembre 15, 2015 resolution 525-2014
May 25, 2015 resolution 315-2015
IESO issues a Request for proposal (RFP)
In March 2015, IESO (Independant Electricity System Operator) issues a request for proposals for LRP (Large Renewable Procurement) in "green energy projects, including 300 MW of wind energy. The RFP is a competitive process. Companies that receive community support through a municipal resolution and community benefit fund agreement with municipalities will score bonus points in their bid evaluation.
Promoters meet with citizens
In June 2015, some citizens receive an invitation to an "information session" put on by project promoters. For most people, this is the first time they hear about the proposed projects.
June 23, 2015 - Information session in St-Isidore, hosted by EDF EN Canada for the project St-Isidore Wind Energy Centre
June 24, 2015 - Information session in St-Bernardin hosted by Leader Resources for the project Parc éolien Gauthier
June 23, 2015 - Information session in St-Isidore, hosted by EDF EN Canada for the project St-Isidore Wind Energy Centre
June 24, 2015 - Information session in St-Bernardin hosted by Leader Resources for the project Parc éolien Gauthier
Citizens fiercely oppose the projects
Citizens are concerned, angry and outraged by the companies' and elected officials' lack of transparency. Groups are formed, research and opposition are being organized. "Stop the wind turbines" signs show up everywhere.
July 15, 2015 - Close to 50 people meet to bring their ideas and resources together. Save The Nation is officially launched.
August 5, 2015 - A public information session hosted by Save The Nation attracts 525 people in St-Bernardin. The attendance clearly demonstrates that people are keen for information. Mrs. Carmen Krogh makes a presentation on the health-related impacts of wind turbines. Save The Nation volunteers discuss other industrial wind turbines negative impacts. A petition and a communication campaign aimed at municipal politicians are kicked-off.
August 10, 2015 - Save The Nation efforts are rewarded. Due to public pressure, Council adopts a "Not a willing host resolution". Previous support resolutions for wind projects and the community benefit fund agreement are not cancelled. Prior to the vote, EDF EN contacts the municipality and doubles its offer in the benefit fund, making it $300,000 a year instead of $150,000. Close to 200 people rally at The Nation's town hall for the meeting.
August 31, 2015 - A delegation from Save The Nation presents a petition signed by close to 3,000 taxpayers and makes a one-hour presentation to Council. The informative presentation includes important financial and environmental facts that will impact the municipality's future development. Council is asked to rescind previous resolutions and cancel the agreement with EDF. Council receives the information, but doesn't make a decision, even tough the deadline to submit proposals is on the next day, September 1st at 3:00 p.m.
Note: in mid-July, Save The Nation (STN) asked the municipality to hold a public meeting in a venue large enough to accommodate hundreds of people so taxpayers could ask questions. That request was refused. On August 31st, the municipality also refused STN’s request to use a microphone and speakers (supplied by STN) so the people standing outside town hall could hear the proceedings. STN filed a complaint with the Ombudsman of Ontario regarding this meeting. Read the Ombudsman’s report published on May 6, 2016.
July 15, 2015 - Close to 50 people meet to bring their ideas and resources together. Save The Nation is officially launched.
August 5, 2015 - A public information session hosted by Save The Nation attracts 525 people in St-Bernardin. The attendance clearly demonstrates that people are keen for information. Mrs. Carmen Krogh makes a presentation on the health-related impacts of wind turbines. Save The Nation volunteers discuss other industrial wind turbines negative impacts. A petition and a communication campaign aimed at municipal politicians are kicked-off.
August 10, 2015 - Save The Nation efforts are rewarded. Due to public pressure, Council adopts a "Not a willing host resolution". Previous support resolutions for wind projects and the community benefit fund agreement are not cancelled. Prior to the vote, EDF EN contacts the municipality and doubles its offer in the benefit fund, making it $300,000 a year instead of $150,000. Close to 200 people rally at The Nation's town hall for the meeting.
August 31, 2015 - A delegation from Save The Nation presents a petition signed by close to 3,000 taxpayers and makes a one-hour presentation to Council. The informative presentation includes important financial and environmental facts that will impact the municipality's future development. Council is asked to rescind previous resolutions and cancel the agreement with EDF. Council receives the information, but doesn't make a decision, even tough the deadline to submit proposals is on the next day, September 1st at 3:00 p.m.
Note: in mid-July, Save The Nation (STN) asked the municipality to hold a public meeting in a venue large enough to accommodate hundreds of people so taxpayers could ask questions. That request was refused. On August 31st, the municipality also refused STN’s request to use a microphone and speakers (supplied by STN) so the people standing outside town hall could hear the proceedings. STN filed a complaint with the Ombudsman of Ontario regarding this meeting. Read the Ombudsman’s report published on May 6, 2016.
Wind companies submit proposals to IESO
September 1, 2015 - EDF EN Canada and Leader Resources submit their proposals to IESO (Independant Electricity System Operator). IESO received 27 bids for wind energy projects in the RFP. The approved projects should be announced before the end of this year. Other requests for proposals will likely be launched in 2016 and 2017.
The Nation Municipality withdraws its support for wind turbine projects
September 14, 2015 - Residents do not give in and urge members of the municipal council to withdraw their support for industrial wind turbine projects. Finally, in a 4-to-1 vote, Council adopts a resolution that rescinds all previous resolutions and cancels the agreement signed with EDF.
Save The Nation submits a report to IESO
October 21, 2015 - Save The Nation submits a report detailing its position to IESO (Independent Electricity System Operator). Download a copy of the report. We received a response by email on November 3rd. Download a copy of the response.
Save The Nation writes to Premier Kathleen Wynne
October 21, 2015 - Save The Nation sends an open letter to the Premier of Ontario, copying local and national media. Download a copy of the letter.
IESO reports project announcements to March 2016
November 20, 2015 - IESO, the Large Renewable Procurement RFP manager, extends the proposals' evaluation period. Selected projects are expected to be announced in March 2016. For more information, visit IESO.
Save The Nation hosts a community event
November 29, 2015 - Save The Nation volunteers organize a spaghetti lunch to gather the community in a friendly setting and to raise funds. Close to 400 people meet at St-Isidore Arena for the event.
Auditor General of Ontario 2015 Report
December 2, 2015 - Auditor General Bonnie Lysyk slams government over electricity management in Ontario.
Here are just a few findings highlighted in the 2015 Auditor General's report:
Here are just a few findings highlighted in the 2015 Auditor General's report:
- The guaranteed prices for generators of wind-powered electricity were double the U.S. average price in 2014; the guaranteed prices for generators of solar power were 3½ times higher than the U.S. average price.
- While Ontario had an oversupply of electricity, the province spent about $2.3 billion on conservation programs to 2014, and is committed to spending another $2.6 billion over the next six years.
- Between 2009 and 2014, Ontario’s average annual electricity surplus—the available electricity supply, less the electricity consumed—was about the equivalent of the total existing power generation capacity of Manitoba. The Independent Electricity System Operator forecasts that Ontario’s base load generation from 2015 to 2020 will exceed Ontario’s demand by an amount equivalent to Nova Scotia’s power needs for about five years.
- The reliability of Hydro One’s transmission system has worsened considerably from 2010 to 2014. Customers have experienced 24% more outages and those outages have lasted 30% longer. Meanwhile, costs to maintain the transmission system have increased 31% over the same period.
IESO announces bid results
March 10, 2016 - The proposal for Parc éolien Gauthier in St-Bernardin is accepted by the province. Out of five new wind contracts awarded, three are located in communities that declared themselves Not-a-willing-host. Read IESO's press release.
The other projects that were approved despite community opposition are located in North Stormont and Dutton Dunwich.
The other projects that were approved despite community opposition are located in North Stormont and Dutton Dunwich.
North Frontenac Resolution on mandatory municipal support
March 18, 2016 - The Municipality of North Frontenac adopts a resolution asking the province to make municipal support mandatory in IESO’s process. North Frontenac sends a copy of the resolution to all municipalities within Ontario asking them to support it. As of June 2, 2016, The Nation Municipality had not reacted or adopted the resolution. Wind Concerns Ontario has compiled a list of municipalities who have adopted the resolution.
Rally in St. Bernardin
April 3, 2016 - Save The Nation is still active. Close to 200 people rally in St. Bernardin to demonstrate their opposition to the approval of Parc éolien Gauthier.
Phase 1 contracts signed and executed
April 12, 2016 - IESO announces that contracts for projects approved on March 10, 2016 have been signed and executed. Parc éolien Gauthier had obtained none of the four rated criteria for community engagement, as detailed in the Selected Proponents List.
Contracted projects are now required to obtain all necessary licenses and approvals, such as a Renewable Energy Approval or conducting an Environmental Assessment, before they can be built and operated.
Contracted projects are now required to obtain all necessary licenses and approvals, such as a Renewable Energy Approval or conducting an Environmental Assessment, before they can be built and operated.
IESO asks for feedback on Large Renewable Procurement Process
March and May 2016 - IESO ask wind companies, municipalities, First Nations and individuals for their opinion on the procurement process through an online survey. The deadline to respond is May 3, 2016. Read the survey questions.
On May 30, IESO publishes the survey results which clearly show that people and municipalities are not happy with the process. People ask for more transparency and to have a voice in the process. Read the documents on IESO’s website.
On May 30, IESO publishes the survey results which clearly show that people and municipalities are not happy with the process. People ask for more transparency and to have a voice in the process. Read the documents on IESO’s website.
The Ombudsman of Ontario publishes his report on August 31, 2015 council meeting
May 5, 2016 - Save The Nation filed a complaint with the Ombudsman of Ontario about the council meeting held on August 31, 2015. Council had refused to let Save The Nation use a microphone and speakers to broadcast meeting proceedings for people standing outside. Read the Ombudsman's Report.
Letter Campaign to Premier Kathleen Wynne
November 24, 2016 - Save the Nation launches a letter campaign addressed to Premier Kathleen Wynne requesting the cancellation of St-Bernardin Wind Turbine project as well as all other phase 1 projects imposed on unwilling communities. Within 10 days, over 800 people sign the letter.
Save The Nation delivers letters to Queen’s Park
December 5, 2016 - Members of Save the Nation meet with MPP Grant Crack and the Minister of Energy, Mr. Thibeault, at Queen's Park. Mr. Crack accepts the letters and reads the content therein in the house Monday afternoon in the name of the Glegarry-Prescott-Russell residents.
On that same day, MPP Jim McDonell reads a petition in the house on behalf of Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry residents. Save the Nation and Concerned Citizens of North Stormont groups travelled together to Toronto.
On that same day, MPP Jim McDonell reads a petition in the house on behalf of Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry residents. Save the Nation and Concerned Citizens of North Stormont groups travelled together to Toronto.
115 municipalities ask the province to stop exploiting rural areas
January 3, 2017 - Ron Higgins, Mayor of the Municipality of North Frontenac, makes a public declaration on behalf of a group of 115 Ontarian municipalities (Multi Municipal Group).
This declaration demands that the province cancel LRP I, LRP II and any projects under appeal to the ERT. It also demands that the province restore municipal involvement in future energy strategies and implementation processes. Read the public declaration (PDF).
Unfortunately, the Nation Municipality is not one of the 115 municipalities represented by Mayor Higgins and the Multi Municipal Group. Please see the list of participating municipalities (PDF). Neighbouring municipalities who belong to this group are Alfred-Plantagenet, Champlain, East Hawkesbury, City of Hawkesbury, North Glengarry, North Stormont, City of Ottawa and the United Counties of Prescott-Russell.
This declaration demands that the province cancel LRP I, LRP II and any projects under appeal to the ERT. It also demands that the province restore municipal involvement in future energy strategies and implementation processes. Read the public declaration (PDF).
Unfortunately, the Nation Municipality is not one of the 115 municipalities represented by Mayor Higgins and the Multi Municipal Group. Please see the list of participating municipalities (PDF). Neighbouring municipalities who belong to this group are Alfred-Plantagenet, Champlain, East Hawkesbury, City of Hawkesbury, North Glengarry, North Stormont, City of Ottawa and the United Counties of Prescott-Russell.
Save The Nation delegation presents to municipal council
February 13, 2017 - Representatives from Save the Nation formally presents to the Nation Municipality Council copies of the letters given last December to Premier Kathleen Wynne. In a brief presentation, Save The Nation also asks Council to officially join the Multi Municipal Group. Read the presentation - in French (PDF).
Municipal Council adopts resolution 94-2017
March 6, 2017 - Council adopts the following resolution: Be it resolved the Council supports the requests made by Save The Nation during their delegation on February 13th, 2017, including joining the Multi Municipal Group and supporting their declarations made on January 3rd, 2017 by the Mayor of the municipality of North Frontenac concerning the group of 115 municipalities and green energy.
Moved by Marcel Legault and seconded by Francis Brière. The motion was adopted 3 to 1 during a registered vote. Mayor St-Amour voted in favour, Ward 1 councillor Lanthier was absent and Ward 3 councillor Laflèche voted against.
Moved by Marcel Legault and seconded by Francis Brière. The motion was adopted 3 to 1 during a registered vote. Mayor St-Amour voted in favour, Ward 1 councillor Lanthier was absent and Ward 3 councillor Laflèche voted against.
Save The Nation holds an information session
May 4, 2017 - No! It’s still not a done deal! was the theme for the information session. Save The Nation explains the upcoming phases before the project can get off the ground and stresses the importance of people working together to protect our community. Over 100 people attend the meeting held at Caledonia Community Centre.
Project promoter holds public meetings
May 23 and 24, 2017 - The promoter holds two public meetings in St-Bernardin and Vankleek Hill. Sites that initially indicated turbines north of County Road 10 near the bog have been removed. New sites appear on Concessions 8 and 9, as well as on Fitzpatrick Road in Champlain Township.
For a collection of media coverage, visit In the news.
To view documentaries, read research reports or get elected officials' contact information, visit Links.
To view documentaries, read research reports or get elected officials' contact information, visit Links.